Thursday, June 4, 2009

World's first paper made jeans

The world's first 100% paper-made jeans will set you back US$5,400. The jeans is made through Japanese paper by the company called Japan Pulp & Paper (JPP) based in Tokyo. The jeans is to be sold as collector's item at around US $5,400 and the company aims to produce only 10 pairs of the jeans.

JPP has used denim made out from Washi, which is a Japanese paper that’s tougher than general paper usually used outside Nippon. The denim is then used to produce jeans, which can be worn & washed just like existing jeans. Reportedly, JPP has promised a smooth feeling & good thermal insulation for wearers. Using Washi to produce clothes is not that uncommon in Japan, where it has been the basis of socks & underwears in the past.

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